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4 week challenge


Personal Transformation


Step into NEW HABITS

with a positive and nurturing




Creating and sticking with NEW HABITS for


getting in better shape

eating healthier

establishing a new routine

letting go of what does not serve you well

or any other personal purpose


is in equal parts always very rewarding and challenging


On the surface, all it requires is willpower to just make

a few adjustments to your routine or habits,

but you all know it’s bigger than that.


This e-book is a couch-to-pavement plan designed to help you start spotting

what wells up from within you that gets in the way of achieving the transformation you are seeking.


4 week challenge is for beginning your journey

towards creating and sticking to new habits 

Each week you dive into the background coding of your mind

You become more present and conscious of how these thoughts support your purpose and intentions in life

And you practice shifting your awareness and focus on the those thought and habits that align with your purpose and intentions.


Mixed with journaling, reflections and inspiring questions, each day totals about

only 15 minutes of work.


Don’t focus as much on the moments when your mind takes you back a step

— and don’t be surprised if you find yourself not remembering

the mind’s programming that used to run your life in the background automatically!.




With Wellness and Transformation coaching, Yoga philosophy and Mindfulness meditation,

I have been guiding and supporting

high performing humans and entrepreneurs through tough times — hurdles of sorts— by leaning into Wellness for the Mind and Mindset Coaching

I have been on my personal transformation journey since 2009. 

My go to Wellness for the Mind habits

are Journaling, Yoga Nidra Meditation, Breath Work and living in Mindfulness every day.







My biggest tip for beginning your journey is to be easy on yourself.

Bringing about any transformation is tough, and a personal one demands a lot of

resilience, commitment, self-compassion, loving-kindness and nimbleness. 

Just know it’s OK to go at your own pace,

and that every single step you take forward is a step in the right direction.



Now when I reflect on my journey,

I would have never started power of N,

if it had not been for living fully aware in the present moment

and keeping my mind focused on:

a healthier, happier me.












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